Wednesday, April 22, 2015

但愿人长久 千里共禅娟 ♡

我今天知道的你 也许是明天的变化

反而如果对自己没信心 对另一半没信心
因为缺乏的那个信心 令你感受不到对方给你的爱


两个人在一起 其实最重要
互相尊重 爱护 有一颗不放弃的心
不断学习了解对方 接受改变


Sunday, September 21, 2014

在对的时间 遇到对的人 真的很不容易
尤其是最近看了两部戏 有着类似的主题
令我更加肯定我的心情 我的想法
我也因此 第一次感觉非常庆幸我一路以来的感情挫折
因为如果没有那些挫折 就没有今天的我 也不会遇到今天的你
我找到属于我的幸福了 我心中的家了
就算再远的距离 都变得很近
想起你 自己会自个儿在那儿傻笑
再累 再难过 都有你的关心 你的安慰
谢谢你  对我的疼爱 对我的包容
我真的觉得 我非常幸运 非常幸福 因为有你

献给 我唯一的你

Thursday, June 26, 2014

Grey Cloud

There are just days where you feel that there is this grey cloud hanging over your head.
And it seems as though nothing is going right...
You just feel like being alone...
You wish the day will end soon.
And so you can look forward to better tomorrow.
Life isn’t an easy journey,
and the measure of a true champion is not how far you go,
it’s how far you bounce back after facing defeat.
Stop. Look. Choose.

Monday, June 16, 2014

Hope. Trust. Faith. Love

The more you speak of it,
The more power you give to it.
Don’t let fear control you…

The more you try to seize it,
The more you feel it slipping away.
Let loose the grip…
"I will find my way, I can go the distance
I'll be there someday - If I can be strong
I know every mile will be worth my while
I would go most anywhere to feel like I belong"
I will remember:-
Nothing real can be threatened.
Nothing unreal exists.

Hope. Trust. Faith. Love

Best Friend Forever #Throwback #OneYearAgoNotPosted

You are the best gift that had happen to my life.
14yrs of friendship...I know it was not easy...but we manage to hold on...
We have changed over the years...but our love for each other is always there.
You know what people say - no distance, no issue, nothing can separate family.
You are part of my family. nothing can come between us.
We may not see each other often, We may be caught up with our busy lives.
You are still always on my mind.

Sunday, September 12, 2010

Is it just me?

I feel terrible..what is wrong with me?

Friday, June 18, 2010

It's just all too sudden

This person was always there...but just all of a sudden - stands out of all...
You don't really know what is going on his mind.
The mere glance at this person you feel like smiling.
The mere thought of this person has the same effect.
It effects me the same - just like after a cup of coffee...
And it never ever cross your mind - this person.
Your heart asks you to trust your feeling. Your mind tells you its to good to be true...
Sometimes there isn't an explanation for everything- I know.
But there is just so much question unanswered. and without the answers - I fear.
and yet - I do not have the courage to seek the answer.
My heart ask me to hang on and find out, my heart trusts its instinct.
My mind tells me i cannot risk anymore.
It does seems all too sudden...
Anyways - i thank you...from the bottom of my broken heart - you lighted my days for the past week. and i am grateful even if it is already - the end. I truly enjoyed.

Seize the day is the saying...
Cheers to however long this beautiful feeling remains....